It’s Friday and It’s Payday!

Yay ! It’s finally here, payday.  🙂 Scoot and I have already been out and about this morning running errands and also stopped by the pharmacy to pick up a couple of prescriptions that were waiting, and some personal items in the  store.

We went downtown first though. Now we are back home, waiting for Scoot’s ‘surgeon’ to stop by and pick up his check for the balance for Scoot’s surgery. It was $160.00 and well worth it.

Oh. I have another fractured rib in the left top side. But life goes on, and we do what we have to do! 🙂  Pain or no pain, I’m the one who takes care of  ‘me. ‘  It happened Tuesday morning as I rolled over in bed, yelp !   I can breathe easier than just yesterday 🙂 YES ! That’s something to smile about ! 🙂

This weekend I hope to begin packing again. Yes, I’m moving across town to the area that’s safe and oh so beautiful. where I lived in the area before. I was called by the administrator just yesterday, and she asked me for several  items of proof documents. Since it’s only  seven blocks away, Scoot and I went to my bank and  I had copies made, and we drove right over there. I’m on a wait list, but  the administrator told me it could be July or August that she will call me so I can give a 30 day notice here at my present building.

I have contacted the movers and Steve called me back just this morning. We set the wheels in motion.

Now I’m going to go make some DVD’s of some of my movies so Mom  and her companion friend, LG can see them too.

Whomever reads this, I wish you a HAPPY WEEKEND !  🙂